Fast Food causing brain damage

Consume too much fast food can disrupt health. In fact, most likely reduce the power of the brain.

Research that involves scientists origin Sweden Karolinska Institutet, try to do testing on a rat. During the nine months was given a rat Feed fast food every day. After nine months, the rat problem in the power of his brain, which look like Alzheimer's Disease.

"Foods that contain fat, sugar, and cholesterol can cause a decrease in the performance of the brain. In research, we found changes in brain chemistry similar to the rat brain affected in Alzheimer," dust one scientist Susanne Akterin.

Alzheimer is a disease that can affect the brain associated with thinking, remembering, and the use of language in speaking. Up to now, the usual Alzheimer attack the elderly, have not found it exactly.

For the making of the medicine is currently only focused in order to eliminate the type of beta-amyloid protein that can be slowly plaque in the brain. Scientists try the therapy to remove toxic protein that caused the harm.

"From all the essence, this research hopes to provide how Alzheimer can be prevented. In addition, a warning for people not to consume fast food is excessive," said Akterin.