Arsenic and vitamin A can cure Leukemia

Leukemia likely will not again become a disease of death. Doctors in China is able to claim a cure leukemia with Arsenic and Vitamin A.

Claimed by Reuters, Tuesday (2009/2/17), the doctor in China has been conducting research involving 85 patients and observe their development during the period 70 months.

The result, as many as 80 patients claim to have the benefit of a large amount of these ingredients. Not even the emergence of problems in a long time in the area of cancer is.

Research also proves that, before the disease of cancer does not cause symptoms to re-grow, especially for people with spinal cancer and blood cancer, or known as acute promyelocytic leukemia.

"Two years after treatment, patients have a degree that urine and blood arsenic is still under the limit," said the National Academy of Sciences.

Since 18-th century, arsenic compound had been used as medicine for certain diseases. Even in 2000, the agency supervisor drug and food United States (FDA) has approved the use of arsenic to treat blood cancer and bone.